Why Chicago Hates You Lightfoot

Alex T. Wolf
4 min readJun 1, 2022

First and foremost, I am and will always be a proud Chicagoan, but I’m slowly losing hope for the future of our city. The number one reason is we don’t face the harsh truth and the substantial consequence of electing total idiots to public office in our city.


Lori Lightfoot is the biggest problem our city faces. From her racist rants to her unprofessionalism, and overall her failure as the Mayor of Chicago. She has ultimately failed as a Mayor, with COVID cases increasing, the crime rate continuing to increase, failing schools, the failed judicial system, and escalating taxes within the city. Lightfoot shouldn’t even have the title of Mayor because of her sheer incompetence.

Lori Lightfoot’s tenure as Mayor has proven her ability to say and do the exact opposite of what people want at any given point. She picks fights and then flees to NYC to complain about how she’s treated badly. She tries hard to play both sides in any scenario but usually only succeeds in pissing both sides off in the end. She’s been outed a few times for being completely unprofessional to her staff.

The citizens aren’t just tired of Lightfoot, many members of the City Council are just as pissed and tired of Lightfoot’s incompetence as Mayor. On June 24th, 2021, twenty-two alderman of the City of Chicago City Council wrote to Lightfoot after a heated City Council meeting; demanding that she “follow the rules” and writing on numerous occasions that “Ruling made by you” have been “inconsistent” and in “direct contradiction” with the rules. The members of the City Council called her ruling style “unacceptable and illegal” and a “manipulation of our democratic process.

That City Council meeting isn’t the only time she has feuded with her own City Council. On May 31st, 2020, Alderman Raymond Lopez, who represents the 15th Ward in Chicago, called Lightfoot regarding the mass rioting and looting in his ward, comparing it to a “warzone”. Lightfoot first refused to respond to Alderman Lopez, and when she did she stated in the call “I think you’re 100% full of shit.”

Mayor And Alderman Trade Profanities In Conference Call On Looting In Chicago — YouTube

Even though most Chicagoans agree Lightfoot is a laughing stock to the rest of the country, and with all of the criticism she has received she continues to brush it off. She has previously brushed off complaints about her abrasive management style as Mayor and has responded to such critics in the past that they target her only because she is Black and lesbian.

I think it takes talent for an elected official to piss off every single body they come in contact with. She has failed and lost control of the whole city; she has lost the Chicago Police Department and ended up fighting with the department as the whole city fell into chaos. Now, she started to feud with the teachers union and failed the kids in Chicago who just want an education.

Not only is she incapable of running the City of Chicago, her inability to unite the community in such a divisive time, but she is also racist. But my question is why isn’t the liberal media calling her one as they have done?

Back in May of 2021, in the name of pure equality, diversity, and inclusion, Lightfoot pulled out a bigoted publicity stunt on the 2nd anniversary of the inauguration of her failed administration: she will only call on minority reporters to interview her. Just to make this clear and point out the obvious; attacking an entire group of citizens based on their skin color, is racism.

Is it woke to call out a racist bigoted black lesbian mayor?

Still, instead of calling out the obvious of this bigoted public stunt by our elected official, some in Chicago media outlets fake deep conversations on race. It just wouldn’t fit in their liberal agenda because according to their liberal fantasy “black people can’t be racist”…right?

Sure, Lori Lightfoot has the biggest penis in all of Chicago, my money is betting on it, as she stated in March of this year. Just recently the Chicago Park District Attorney is seeking damages from Lightfoot after an insulting rant against the Chicago Italian-American community. Where she stated “My d–k is bigger than yours and the Italians, I have the biggest d–k in Chicago.” After this rant from Lightfoot, many of us Chicagoans are praying for the 2023 election to bring us an actual Mayor that is competent in running a city. We can’t put up with this THING for another four years. But only time will tell.

*Originally Published To The Chicago Sun-Times; June 1st, 2022*



Alex T. Wolf

Alex Wolf is a blogger and a writer. He is the author of Society in Repair. www.alextwolf.co.za