Vulnerable To Disaster- Racing Among The Ruins

Alex T. Wolf
5 min readNov 5, 2020

Election day was yesterday, the most divisive election in decades. Why have almost all elections in recent memory, not including the 2016 election, were sort of accepted with the results? What changed?

Photo: Koshu Kunii/Unsplash

Last night I was on Snapchat looking at other people’s stories. Which of what I noticed, given it was election night of an extremely divisive election, that the majority of the Biden supporters posted snaps saying “ If you vote trump your racist”, or “ Vote Trump and your a homophobic.” Hell, even Trump supporters posted “ If you vote Biden, you’re a pedophile.” Statements like this prove how uneducated the American majority is. Yet, the truth is the majority of the people who say those statements on their Snapchat story are just teenagers, who in general know nothing about politics or how it works. Bullshit statements like those create an attitude of “challenge” so to speak. But in reality, it’s less what you believe in, and more of what action you take for what you believe.

It takes talent to allow someone to have a different political view and discuss it openly without judgment. In most cases in the United States, we have lost it. For pure bullshit political views from someone, it requires an unbelievable amount of patience and total understanding to not lose it on the speaker who simply got it from a false news output or is simply a follower without fact-checking its information. People can respect one another’s political view, it’s just some people have emotionally attached to their non-logical political beliefs that their sense of self is so connected to the subject that they think it is right.

The Beginning

Many liberals think our welfare system is amazing because it helps many poor citizens. In reality, this is a verified fact, it encourages women to give birth to fatherless kids. Many of us know that fatherless kids grow up to join gangs and shoot each other ( mainly black on black murders). We have become so manipulated by social media that we have a brainwash problem in the United States. To all of the people who participate in the Black Lives Matter movement, Yes! Black Lives Do Matter! And SO DO ALL LIVES MATTER! Everyone has the right to live a happy life, everyone has the right to love whoever they want, and everyone has the right to be equal in America. But creating chaos in the streets and saying your protesting will not change anything in America. Saying “ Fuck Trump” or “ Fuck Biden” will not bring people together, it will just create more anger in America. Respecting people’s political beliefs in one of the ways to put America back together.

The Truth About Racism

The truth about racism isn’t easy to take in. The lies are “ Cops kill more blacks than white.” They also say “Cops are racist.” Here are the killing statistics from 2019- 370 white people were killed by the police, compared to 235 black people. So why is the media quiet about white deaths by the police? The answer… it doesn’t fit in with their agenda. The total amount of African-Americans in America is less than 15% yet they commit more than 50% of the crime. So obviously the chance that they encounter cops is higher than the other, races. So why is the media so quiet or hardly even covers when a black man kills another black man or a black man kills a white man? It truly has nothing to do with race, but with the culture, we live in. No matter the color of a criminal, they will encounter the police and they have the right to put you in jail. If a criminal is a danger to the rest of the society that obeys the laws, the police have the right to use lethal force.

The color does not matter, but what we choose to do with our lives whether good or bad, now that does matter. America will fall apart if we just let criminals do what they want to do and if we put the blame on police we are protecting criminals, creating a dangerous society.

Photo: Jose M./ Unsplash

Will there be bad cops? Yes, there will be, but it will be the minority. The rest of the cops actually care about what they do, they care about their community, their people, and their families. So will there be bad cops? Yes, of course, there will be, but just a few. Just like society, there will be good people and bad people. And just like politicians, there will be good and bad ones too. Not everyone is bad in the world and not everyone is good. There will be good fruit and bad fruit.

If you simply just turn on the news and listen to the arguments, I can assure you that you have no idea what is going on in politics, even if you listen really closely. The truth is about 2020 and this divisive election is most people have no idea how the world works.

Start by asking yourself these questions…

Do you know the name of your mayor?

The name of your congressman?

The name of your governor?

Have you familiarized yourself with the judicial circuit?

If you haven’t guessed already, these people are responsible for fixing the issues in your state, and city.

All of the media monsters like ABC, NBC, and Fox all have a virtual militia of lobbyists. The surprising truth is really how little effect your vote truly has in the election. The media is in everyone’s pocket, it’s not new information.

Photo: Luke Stackpoole/Unsplash

Let’s all stand together and fight the evil in the world. Let's stop making excuses, stop judging each other, and jumping to conclusions because of what we believe in and who we follow in life. Let’s begin to look at the facts… All lives matter. Let’s stop calling each other “white guy” or “black guy” and begin to call each other “ human being.” Because everyone is equal and has the same opportunities to grow, live, and secure happiness. Let’s stop looking at the colors of each other and begin to look at each other as human beings. We have so many opportunities in America to grow. We have to let go of the past but not forget it.

When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice!.” — Donald J. Trump


  1. Statista Research Department. “People Shot to Death by U.S. Police, by Race 2017–2018 | Statistic.” Statista, Statista, 2017,

2. Council on Crime and Justice. African American Males in the Criminal Justice System Purpose and Background. African-Americans commit 50% of the crime in America ‌.

© 2020 Alex T. Wolf | All Rights Reserved



Alex T. Wolf

Alex Wolf is a blogger and a writer. He is the author of Society in Repair.