Hitler’s Little Tool

Alex T. Wolf
4 min readDec 18, 2020

World War Two. When we think about that subject we often think of the Holocaust, Pearl Harbour, the bombing of Nagasaki, and Hiroshima. But we don’t really think about drug use.

‘Pilot’s Salt’ Pervitin (Shown Above) Source: AP

We all know who is to blame for WW2 and the millions upon millions of lives that were taken during the war and to be quite real we all know who is to blame… Adolph Hitler. He was well known amongst his followers as being quite a “health nut” with a strict vegan diet, unusual love for animals, and a strong anti-smoking belief. But it’s extremely ironic that a health nut like this certain fruit loop was a… liar. Adolph Hitler was a pill-popping, opiate intake, cocaine use, drug junkie who was most likely baked out of his mind during the war. Even crazier, his suicide in 1945 could be linked to massive withdrawal symptoms, since Allied bombings and Soviet forces were shutting down on his Reich and his access to his drugs.

Hitler is one of the most talked-about historical figures in all of human history. From endless books, articles, films, and really weird comedic shows like the 2019 Jojo Rabbit, a comedy movie about WW2 in Europe.

Yes, of course, having a landlord hooked on heroin is a pretty bad standing in life, but how come not a whole lot of people knew about Hitler’s rapid drug use?

It’s an extremely complicated answer. It was already known Hitler used many drugs while the leader of Nazi Germany. Many historians already have been extremely aware of Hitler’s drug habit, but it wasn’t really a leading topic for historians to focus upon.

In 2015, it took an outsider to pull open the drapes on this subject. A German non-historian, Norman Ohler published his first book Blitz, which showed that Hitler’s real arms of power were from a big bag full of blows. He had heard a story from a friend about drug abuse in the Third Reich and he decided to investigate that topic. He thought that topic would be amazing for a new non-fiction novel. Once he began to research for his book, he found massive amounts of information concerning that topic. And his 2015 non-fiction book became an instant international best-seller, informing many readers about Hitler’s secret addiction.

When the Nazis took power in Germany, they quickly banned these addictive drugs or “poisons” as what they called them, which were extremely easy to obtain on the streets. They also claimed that the Jewish people of Europe were all drug-dependent. But they soon discovered

Dr. Theo Morrell was a well-respected and somewhat famous doctor in Nazi, Germany. Having been the personal private doctor for many famous German politicians, and celebrities. Morrell joined the Nazi Party in 1933 when Hitler came to power. He was a private doctor for many Nazi Officials, including Hitler’s personal photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann. In 1935, Morrell got a personal call from SS. Officers came promptly to their office to treat Henrich Hoffmann, which was successful. That following year in 1936, Hoffmann introduced Dr. Morrell to Hitler at a casual dinner stating to Hitler that Morrell saved his life. Morrell became Hitler’s personal doctor treating Hitler’s severe stomach cramps by a combination of vitamins, glucose, and some traces of meth. Hitler was extremely impressed by Morrell’s works and continued to receive multiple injections from Morrell, which include multivitamin components, Glucose, and other performance-enhancing drugs from 1940 on.

Most of the cocktails of medicine were highly addictive drugs, which include cocaine and adrenaline which were inserted through eye-drops. Testoviron, which was a testosterone component as a tonic, and strength. An injection of coramine, when Hitler was sedated.

Adolph Hitler Source: AP

German Officials then found out that amphetamines were an extremely useful tool for the German Army. In the German Invasion of France, Many German troops depended heavily on pervitin which is an early form of crystal meth. That drug enabled the German Army to march without stopping for three days straight. At the Battle of Dunkirk, the Germans were on the edge of total destruction of the British forces. Herman Goring, who was at the head of the German Air Force, was stoned out of his mind on morphine.

This “miracle-pill” that we know today as crystal meth had the same side effects as many crystal meth users experience today. Some German soldiers who used pervitin died of heart failure. And many others suffered from psychotic stages of insanity on the battlefield causing them to commit suicide.

By the end of the war, Hitler began to realize his loss. Hitler was completely known as a drug addict, with the tall-tell evidence extremely obvious. He slouched when walking, he drooled, his hands twitched, and he mumbled. With the Soviet Forces making their way through Berlin, Hitler shot himself being deathly afraid of being captured by the Soviets.



Alex T. Wolf

Alex Wolf is a blogger and a writer. He is the author of Society in Repair. www.alextwolf.co.za